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Written by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to end a cover letter (examples & tips)

14 min read
How to end a cover letter (examples & tips)
Elevate your job application by learning how to end a cover letter effectively. We'll review our top tips and examples to help you craft a conclusion that stands out from the crowd and gets you hired faster.

The way you end a cover letter can really make or break your chances of success. Think of your cover letter ending as your closing act: it's what sticks in the minds of potential employers when they're weighing up whether to call you for an interview. For this reason, if your cover letter is the first thing they read, nailing your cover letter ending is crucial. 

So, if employers have made it to the end of your cover letter, you've caught their attention. But watch out – a poor cover letter ending can undo all your hard work in a snap. Let's dive into how to end your cover letter in a way that has employers reaching out to schedule that interview!

In this guide, we’ll explore the following: 

  • How to use our cover letter examples to help you end your cover letter effectively
  • The best way to structure a cover letter conclusion
  • What to avoid when crafting your cover letter ending
  • Our top tips to make sure your cover letter ending is as good as gold
Professional tip

How do I write a good cover letter?

To begin writing a good cover letter, weave in all of your most relevant past experiences into an engaging narrative that highlights why you're the perfect candidate for the role. 

5 powerful ways to end a cover letter

There's really no cookie-cutter way to end a cover letter, since everyone's got their own professional strengths and passions they want to shine a spotlight on. It's that personal touch in your conclusion that lets your individuality stand out.

Here’s our top 5 strategies to finish strong and help you craft an effective cover letter ending:

  1. Use your cover letter ending to address the needs of employers
  2. Link your personal "why" to the company's culture
  3. Reinforce your message through repetition
  4. End your cover letter with a relevant and compelling achievement or story
  5. Mention a personal connection to the company or team

Let's dive a little deeper with some of our cover letter examples below:

1. End your cover letter by addressing the needs of employers: 

Every hiring manager is seeking an employee who gets the job done right. Demonstrating your understanding of the job’s requirements in your cover letter's conclusion can help put you ahead of the competition. 

Leave employers intrigued about how well you grasp their needs. If you’re this insightful before joining their team, imagine your contributions once you’re hired! Taking the time to really consider the hiring manager's perspective can help your CV stand out from the crowd. 

Check out our retail assistant example below for further inspiration: 


“Furthermore, I have strong communication and interpersonal skills, which enable me to connect with customers effectively. All of my previous job roles, as outlined in my CV, have been in the retail sector, and I genuinely enjoy helping others. I thrive in team-oriented environments, and I'm a quick learner who is eager to contribute and grow within a dynamic retail setting. Mallory's Designs has built a solid reputation in the Timaru community for its innovative and high-quality products, and I am inspired by the company's commitment to providing exceptional customer service.”

A candidate who can clearly express their genuine desire for the job and recognise their personal “why” can be remarkably impressive. It’s important that if you do choose to implement this strategy, your “why” is accurate and authentic to you. If it doesn't align with the company's mission, it's better to focus on another element of your professional background. You don't want to be in a position where you're stretching to convince an employer you’re the person for the job. 

If you can tie your purpose to the company's mission in your cover letter's conclusion, you'll not only make an unforgettable impression, but potentially spark a meaningful conversation in the interview process.

Consider this cover letter ending from our teacher cover letter example


“Our children are our future, and that means teaching our students the right information and skills is incredibly important. After researching the Parua Point Primary School values, I am confident that I will be a great fit for the Parua Point school community.”

3. End your cover letter with repetition to leave an impact on employers:

Hiring managers often skim cover letters due to their busy schedules. Reasserting your main strengths when ending your cover letter can help ensure your message truly resonates. While repeating yourself can feel, well, repetitive, remember that the hiring manager might miss a few details on the first read. Reinforcing a key message can often be better than trying to add too much information to your cover letter. Repetition is effective because it can embed key points more firmly in memory. Make a strong point, then reinforce it as you end your cover letter.

For example, in our graphic designer example below, the applicant asserts themselves as a highly qualified candidate with extensive academic and professional experience. Notice how they use language such as “in addition to,” and are confident in their skills, expertise and professional background without appearing arrogant. 


“In addition to my extensive experience working with clients and New Zealand-based companies, I also graduated from Victoria University of Wellington in 2013 with a Bachelor of Communications. My degree allows me to communicate effectively with customers and clients and incorporate key principles into my work, including strong time-management and project management skills.”

4. End your cover letter with a relevant and engaging achievement or story 

Ending your cover letter with a strong story or achievement often grabs the attention of the reader. Every line of your cover letter is a chance to invite more conversation in an interview. While it’s unlikely that every line of your cover letter will stand out to employers, having several interesting points can lead to that much anticipated interview invitation. Woo hoo!

Take a look at our civil engineer example to see how this can be achieved effectively: 


“During my time at The University of Auckland, I received ten first-in-class awards, including Mathematical Modeling 1, Mathematical Modeling 2, Electrical & Digital Systems and first-in-class for various specialisation courses. I chose to specialise in Civil Engineering after I discovered the tangible ways in which civil engineering changes lives. For example, building high-quality infrastructure can help safeguard a high-quality society, wherein people feel safe, healthy and secure.”

5. Mention a personal connection to the company or team 

The primary goal of the cover letter is to show that you're the best for the job. Ending with a personal touch and outlining your connection to the company can strengthen your application. This could be mentioning a shared value that has influenced you, or your connection to the community they operate within. 

As you begin, you're likely unknown to the hiring manager. But by the time they finish reading your cover letter, they've started to get to know you. A relatable story with a personal connection can make the hiring manager see you as a potential team member, increasing your chances of being invited for an interview.

Here’s a great sample from our team lead cover letter example:


“Being a Rotorua local, I am deeply connected to the local community and share Elevate's vision of ensuring education equality for all. I am inspired by the transformative power of education in shaping lives and creating opportunities.”

Effective and ineffective conclusions:

Failing to craft a compelling conclusion in your cover letter may lead employers to overlook your application. Additionally, without a clear call-to-action statement, your application may lack the punch needed to stand out from a sea of candidates.

  • Use statistics, facts and figures to substantiate your claims where possible
  • Use a tone that is polite and professional
  • Close with a strong call-to-action statement
  • Avoid closing with a tone that sounds needy or desperate
  • Don't end your cover letter with claims about your skills that you can't back up
  • Avoid appearing pushy or arrogant

Before you wrap up your cover letter, take a moment to read that last paragraph out loud and imagine you're the hiring manager. 

Does it feel off, too pushy, or just not quite right? If you're nodding yes to any of that, don't be afraid to smash that delete button and give it another shot. Additionally, you can check out our professional cover letter examples to help get you started!

Using an effective call-to-action statement: 

Ending your cover letter with a compelling call-to-action is crucial; it's your invitation to the hiring manager to continue the dialogue. A well-crafted call-to-action statement conveys your enthusiasm and eagerness to move forward. 

Think of it as the bridge between your potential and their needs, encouraging them to cross over and discuss possibilities. Striking the right balance between professionalism and assertiveness here can make all the difference. 

A great call-to-action statement in the conclusion of your cover letter motivates employers to get in touch, while emphasising the value you have to offer as a candidate. Take a look at the following call-to-action statement from our data analyst cover letter example:


“In conclusion, I am thrilled about the opportunity to join Accelerate Analytics as a data analyst, and I am confident that my technical skills, analytical mindset, and commitment to excellence would be valuable assets to your organisation. I would welcome the chance to discuss how my qualifications align with your company's goals and how I can contribute to your success. 

I truly appreciate your time and consideration. 

Ngā mihi nui, 

Eli King.”

Greetings to use to end your cover letter: 

Your farewell is usually the easiest part of the cover letter, and it’s also one of the most important! Closing your cover letter with an inappropriate farewell can signal to employers that you’re not a suitable candidate, so be sure to choose a farewell that is both respectful and professional.

  • Best regards,
  • Kind regards,
  • Ngā mihi nui,
  • Thank you,
  • Yours faithfully,
  • Yours truly,
  • Chur,

Our top tips for ending a cover letter:

As you put the finishing touches on your cover letter ending, it's crucial to thoroughly review and edit your work. Here, you'll have the opportunity to refine your original ideas, cutting and sculpting your content until your cover letter becomes a work of art.

We recommend ensuring your cover letter has the following: 

  • Highlights a few key examples that demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm for the job
  • Uses an appropriate tone, warm and professional tone of voice
  • Exudes positivity and includes a confident call-to-action statement, encouraging employers to reach out for an interview
  • Captures the essence of who you truly are as a professional and pinpoints why you're the right choice for the role

Maintaining an upbeat and hopeful attitude throughout your conclusion crucial to creating an epic cover letter, but the final sentences of the conclusion are key in leaving a memorable impact. It's all about the "goldilocks principle" – finding that sweet spot between showing assertiveness and fostering hopeful anticipation. Good luck: you’ve got this!

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