Hard-working professional truck driver with over 10+ years experience transporting freight across New Zealand. Equipped with a clean driving record and a high customer satisfaction rating, focused on improving the relationships between suppliers and vendors. Fully licensed to operate heavy machinery and heavy vehicles.
12/2015 - 11/2020, Truck Driver, Palisade Corp, Tokoroa
- Averaged customer satisfaction rate of 98%
- Ensured top-quality customer service to each vendor
- Completed health and safety checks each year
- Managed Palisade Corp's supply chain relationships
- Distributed feedback forms to each client
- Prioritised vehicle maintenance to ensure vehicle safety
- Completed over 100,000 kms successfully over five years
05/2011 - 06/2015, Truck Driver, Mana Kennedy Transport, Hamilton
- Operated heavy machinery and loaded freight into trucks
- Transported freight across long distances
- Loaded and unloaded cargo for a diverse range of clients across the Waikato and North Island region
- Maintained Mana Kennedy factories and ensured each factory complied with New Zealand health and safety standards
- Awarded Best Driver in 2012 and 2014
- Managed client relationships and engagement for Mana Kennedy Transport
- Transported emergency goods to displaced groups after Hurricane Nina
02/2006 - 12/2010, NCEA Level 3, Tokoroa High School, Tokoroa
Graduated with NCEA Level 3 with Merit. Also graduated with course endorsements, including NCEA Level 3 English with Merit.
02/2010 - 12/2010, Heavy Commercial Truck Driver License, A1 Driving School, Auckland
With a Class 5 license, I am legally allowed to drive any vehicle over 25,000 kg
- Effective Time Management
- Ability to Work Under Pressure
- Customer Service
- Leadership
- Defensive Driving
- Punctual
Truck driver CV summary example: eyes on the road
Every CV needs a CV summary — sometimes called a profile or personal statement — where job applicants describe themselves in their own words. Use this as your “elevator pitch” to prospective employers (imagine “selling” your professional image in about 30-45 seconds to a stranger), using confident and assertive language to describe your qualifications and skills. This should be a well-written description of all the reasons you would be a great hire. It doesn’t need to be in complete sentences — for example, you can leave out words like “I am” or “I have.”
ATS: The CV auto-filter
Heaps of hiring managers today use an applicant tracking system (ATS) in which a computer program reviews all CVs before they do. These systems look for specific keywords input by the employer that reflect critical job skills required. CVs that pass the ATS test get the green light for review by hiring managers, but those that don’t may be stopped dead in their tracks before a human even reads them. To “beat the ’bot,” do some research first. Study your target employer, scour its website and read the job description for the position you want. If it says, for example, “seeking long-haul truckies,” and that’s exactly what you are, it would probably be a mistake not to include the words “long-haul” in your CV.
Hard-working professional truck driver with over 10+ years experience transporting freight across New Zealand. Equipped with a clean driving record and a high customer satisfaction rating, focused on improving the relationships between suppliers and vendors. Fully licensed to operate heavy machinery and heavy vehicles.
CV employment history sample: the long and winding road
If you have a long, solid history of truck-driving experience, you have a huge advantage. But even if your work experience is a bit thin, there are ways around this! List the most relevant jobs you’ve held in reverse chronological order, naming the company, the location and the dates you worked there. Then under each employer, do a little boasting about what a stellar job you did there. Use choice action verbs to describe your accomplishments, and be as specific as possible.
Truck drivers usually keep detailed logs of all their deliveries and the number of miles driven for each one. If possible, scour this info, compile totals and report them on CV. If you can say how many deliveries you made, how many kilometres you drove and/or how many tons of cargo you delivered, even better! Facts and figures are always the most convincing data to provide in descriptions of past jobs, especially if they outline your achievements or milestones. The geographical range of your driving experience (“from Bluff to Cape Reinga”) may also be a plus. And if you’ve never had an accident or never received a ticket, that may be worth mentioning too.
Truck Driver at Palisade Corp, Tokoroa
2015 - Present
- Averaged customer satisfaction rate of 98%
- Ensured top-quality customer service to each vendor
- Completed health and safety checks each year
- Managed Palisade Corp's supply chain relationships
- Distributed feedback forms to each client
- Prioritised vehicle maintenance to ensure vehicle safety
- Completed over 100,000 kms successfully over five years
Truck Driver at Mana Kennedy Transport, Hamilton
2011 - 2015
- Operated heavy machinery and loaded freight into trucks
- Transported freight across long distances
- Loaded and unloaded cargo for a diverse range of clients across the Waikato and North Island region
- Maintained Mana Kennedy factories and ensured each factory complied with New Zealand health and safety standards
- Awarded Best Driver in 2012 and 2014
- Managed client relationships and engagement for Mana Kennedy Transport
- Transported emergency goods to displaced groups after Hurricane Nina
Truck driver CV education example: on the road already
One great attraction of a truck-driving career is the freedom to go to work without advanced qualifications. Oftentimes, just a few months of specialised training can do the trick!
A new hire typically undergoes a period of on-the-job training, during which he or she drives a truck with a supervisor in the passenger seat. This helps to get new employees used to the type of truck they’re driving and/or stuff they’re transporting.
The education section of truck drivers’ CV should include any qualifications you have, listed
in reverse chronological order. If you need help, check out the example below:
Heavy Commercial Truck Driver License at A1 Driving School, Auckland
- With a Class 5 license, I am legally allowed to drive any vehicle over 25,000 kg
NCEA Level 3 at Tokoroa High School, Tokoroa
2006 - 2010
- Graduated with NCEA Level 3 with Merit. Also graduated with course endorsements, including NCEA Level 3 English with Merit.
CV skills example: steady hands on the wheel
Your CV should include a list of key skills that make you a choice truckie. Obviously, these are professionals who need to be excellent drivers, expert in navigating a large vehicle in all kinds of conditions and terrains. They should have a stellar driving record, respect for the written and unwritten rules of the roads, and skills in driving defensively to avoid accidents. They must be meticulous about updating their logbooks, skilled at planning their routes, and professional in their contacts with shippers and receivers. Sometimes they gotta load or unload their cargo, and they need the stamina and alertness to remain on point for many hours on the road.
- Effective Time Management
- Ability to Work Under Pressure
- Customer Service
- Leadership
- Defensive Driving
- Punctual